
THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CALIFORNIA - This site is dedicated to exposing the continuing Marxist Revolution in California and the all around massive stupidity of Socialists, Luddites, Communists, Fellow Travelers and of Liberalism in all of its ugly forms.

"It was a splendid population - for all the slow, sleepy, sluggish-brained sloths stayed at home - you never find that sort of people among pioneers - you cannot build pioneers out of that sort of material. It was that population that gave to California a name for getting up astounding enterprises and rushing them through with a magnificent dash and daring and a recklessness of cost or consequences, which she bears unto this day - and when she projects a new surprise the grave world smiles as usual and says, "Well, that is California all over."

- - - - Mark Twain (Roughing It)

Saturday, August 30, 2014

All sex is rape says California legislature

X-ray of a California legislator

Idiots on Parade
  • Moron Democrats, with the support of ball-less and spineless Republicans, joined together to effectively make all sex illegal.
  • In the mindless pandering for the votes of the Sheeple of California we will see endless numbers of men and women, gays and straights, accused of rape by jilted ex-lovers.

The California state senate unanimously approved a bill on Thursday that defines when “yes” means “yes” to sex.

Instead of “no means no” – the phrase commonly associated with sexual assault prevention – the law would require “affirmative, conscious, and voluntary agreement” by each party to engage in sexual activity.

If Gov. Jerry Brown (D) signs the bill into law – he has until the end of September – colleges and universities would have to adopt the so-called affirmative consent standard to continue receiving state funds for student financial aid reports the Washington Post.

The move comes as universities across the country are under pressure to improve how they handle sexual assault allegations. Several California colleges are on the Department of Education’s list of 55 institutions under investigation for allegedly mishandling sexual assault complaints.

The language of the bill is based on the recommendations of a White House student sexual assault task force.

Under the proposed standard, the fact that a person didn’t say “no” is no defense in a campus sexual assault investigation.

In addition to consenting up front, the bill requires affirmative consent to be “ongoing throughout the sexual activity,” meaning that sexual partners must agree to each step of a sexual encounter as it progresses and consent can be revoked at any time. The standard would apply to all sexual encounters regardless of whether the parties are having a one-night stand or are in a long-term relationship.

One thing the bill doesn’t say is that affirmative consent must be verbal. The bill’s original language warned “relying solely on nonverbal communication can lead to misunderstanding,” but that language was removed as was the requirement that consent be “unambiguous.”
Nonetheless, as Slate’s Amanda Hess pointed out, this fact was lost on commentators, some who lamented the standard would redefine most sex as rape and would require students to agree to a verbal or written contract before sex.

Students, too, were somewhat confused. “I feel like their hearts are in the right place, but the implementation is a little too excessive,” Henry Mu, a 24-year-old biology major at California State Long Beach told the Press-Telegram. “Are there guidelines? Are we supposed to check every five minutes?”

True Morons
The Democrat and GOP leaders of the California State Senate.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

California Town Without Water As Wells Go Dry

No Water For People
But in the state legislature the battle to ban
plastic supermarket bags is a top priority.

EAST PORTERVILLE (CBS13) — Hundreds of people in a California town have no water after wells ran dry during the state’s drought.

The small town of East Porterville in Tulare County has about 7,300 residents, and at least 300 homes have been without water for weeks.

“We can’t shower. We’re wearing dirty clothes. My kids had to wear dirty clothes to school this morning,” said Elizabeth Baker. “I had to go across the street last night to get water for my kids from the fire department.”

The county set up a 5,000-gallon water tank for residents to help with flushing toilets and irrigation, but now drinking water is the problem. They had to distribute more than 15,000 gallons of drinking water last week.

There are fears the problem could be even worse as people believe some people aren’t reporting their wells have gone dry out of fear their landlords will evict them, or their children will be taken away. In fact, the county didn’t know how dire the problem was until they were tipped off by a nonprofit group.

Donna Johnson has been delivering water to those in need for months. She’s even taken out a loan to pay for the water.

“It just became like a job. I’m delivering water, and I guess my head went get up and do this,” she said. “Sometimes i go home and cry because some of the situations are so sad right now.”

The county handed out 12 gallons of water per person in need, which is considered a three-week supply. It hopes the state reimburses the $30,000 they’ve spent on water.

(CBS 13 News)

Yet Another Day . . .
Yet another day goes by with the fools in the legislature wanting to spend billions on an idiotic high speed rail system instead of a string of desalination plants.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

California officials delay massive Delta water tunnel project

A Short Delay Before Another Battle
  • The unions and businesses that own the legislature have had to retreat from their plan to rape the Sacramento Delta and suck down the billions in tax money the construction project would generate.

Plans for two huge water diversion tunnels in the Delta are being delayed, state officials announced Wednesday, because the plans need more work.

Nancy Vogel, spokeswoman for the California Department of Water Resources, said the delay in the $25 billion Bay Delta Conservation Plan was triggered by public comments submitted on the draft environmental impact report. The comments revealed that certain areas of the plan need additional study, although she could not yet say specifically what areas reports the Sacramento Bee.

“We’re going through it and we’re going to revise and send it back out for public review,” Vogel said. “We continue to look for ways to reduce the impacts to Delta residents and landowners, and we’ll have a lot more information in six to eight weeks.”

The real plan is to suck the Delta into a dry dust bowl so
golf courses in Los Angeles can be watered and farmers
can grow crops in the desert. 
Officials said the revised document will be re-released for public comment “in early 2015.” They originally intended to approve the current plan near the start of the new year. Together with more time for public comment on the revised document, the delay will amount to several months.

Translation  -  The public was screaming their lungs out at the rape of the Delta.  So let's going into hiding and hope the peasants go away.

The Bay Delta Conservation Plan has been in the works for more than seven years. It focuses on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, where water is diverted to serve 25 million Californians and 3 million acres of farmland. The plan aims to stabilize water diversions and repair ecological health in the estuary, the largest on the West Coast of the Americas.

The most controversial element of the plan is a massive pair of tunnels, 40 feet in diameter and 30 miles long, that would divert a portion of the Sacramento River’s flow at three intakes proposed near Courtland. Read More

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

$125.6 million spent on lawsuits by 10 California school districts

Lawyers. They are always there to "help" you.

California: of, by and for the Lawyers
  • The so-called "justice" system is a fraud.  The courts exists to suck people dry and line the pockets of the lawyers.

(San Jose Mercury News)  -  Ten large California school districts, including San Jose Unified, together spent $125.6 million on lawsuits over three years, according to a report by a tort-reform group.
The report released this week by California Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse looked at the costs of verdicts, settlements and outside counsel -- but not in-house attorneys -- for 10 large school districts from 2010-2011 through 2012-2013.

In those three years, San Jose Unified spent $2.24 million on outside counsel; it did not have any verdict or settlement costs. Superintendent Vincent Matthews noted that the district spent less than 1 percent of the general-fund budget on legal costs, while not laying off employees or cutting instructional programs in those years.

The report noted that "Litigation costs place an enormous burden on school district budgets." Of the 10 districts' $125.6 million in legal spending, about 83 percent paid for outside lawyers.

To reduce the costs of litigation, the report said, some districts employ aggressive risk-management programs and some fight questionable claims rather than offering quick settlements.

To read the report, go to http://www.cala.com/, click on "Is Litigation Costing You Your Kid's Education?"

Monday, August 25, 2014

Local Governments Block Residential Solar - California Acts

Finally Intelligent Action
  • Democrats and Republicans joined together to streamline local government and speed up putting solar panels on roofs.
  • ". . . it often takes 65 days to install solar panels on a person’s home, of which 64 of those days are spent wading through the local bureaucracy to get the necessary permits."
  • A common sense vote that is pro-environment, pro-consumer and pro-business too.

Californians who want to put solar panels on their roofs could benefit from a state bill headed to the governor’s desk.

The Legislature on Thursday passed the Solar Permitting Efficiency Act, which promises to streamline the solar permitting process throughout California. Industry officials say that could save each customer $1,000 or more on the cost of installing solar panels.

Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance) is the author of the bill, which requires cities and counties to adopt ordinances that will speed up the permitting and inspection process for residential rooftop solar energy systems reports the Los Angeles Times.

Muratsuchi was prompted to create the bill after a visit to Verengo Solar in Torrance last year, where company officials told him permitting processes in some cities and counties add delays to solar installation work.

Solar Powered Bikini
Soaking up the rays takes on a whole new meaning with
this bikini — which charges an iPod.  The outfit, made up of
wafer-thin solar panels sewn together with conductive thread, can
power anything with a USB port.  (The Sun) 

“They told me that it often takes 65 days to install solar panels on a person’s home, of which 64 of those days are spent wading through the local bureaucracy to get the necessary permits and approvals,” Muratsuchi said at a solar industry lobbying event this month at the state Capitol.

Muratsuchi and solar industry officials say streamlining the processes throughout the state will reduce those delays, which can be costly. The bill also prohibits homeowner associations from passing restrictions that increase the cost of solar panel systems by more than $1,000.

The California Solar Energy Industries Assn. said that while the price of solar has dropped since 2006 largely because efficiencies in manufacturing are bringing down the cost of hardware, expenses such as the costs related to permitting have remained stubborn.

“Your typical home solar energy system has become practically cookie-cutter,” Bernadette Del Chiaro, the association's executive director, said in a statement. “We’re talking about the exact same product, design and installation, yet many building departments require Byzantine permits.”

Will Craven, a spokesman for SolarCity Corp. of San Mateo, said that while the solar panels being installed on rooftops throughout the state follow uniform standards, the codes that regulate them do not. He said more than 500 jurisdictions of California have their own processes and code interpretations.

Muratsuchi said a recent UCLA study showed that if 5% of Los Angeles County homes had solar panels, it would create 28,000 jobs and reduce carbon gases by the equivalent of removing more than 225,000 cars from the road. "It's a big deal," he said.

The bill passed the state Senate on a 22-1 vote Wednesday and it cleared the Assembly on a 66-1 vote Thursday. It goes next to Gov. Jerry Brown.

Yes to Solar Power
You can provide billions in tax breaks to giant corporations to build coal or oil based plants that produce energy, or you can allow individual home owners to put up their own solar panels and lower their power bills.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

L.A. residents protest police spy drones

Big Brother is Watching You
  • "What's going to happen when they have a drone that you can't ever [sic] hear is around, that can come into close radius?" protester Jamie Garcia told NBC. "What are they going to do with this data? They haven't told us," he added.

LOS ANGELES (CBS News LA) — Community activists Thursday held a rally at City Hall against the recent acquisition of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) – or drones – by the Los Angeles Police Department.

According to the LAPD, these small aircrafts can only stay in the air for about 20 minutes and would have limited use in certain circumstances, such as hostage situations.

KNX 1070’s Pete Demetriou reports about a dozen protesters with the Drone-Free LAPD/No Drones, LA! campaign staged a demonstration across from LAPD Headquarters downtown.

The group first called for limits on the use of drone technology by the LAPD in an Aug. 20 letter (PDF) addressed to Mayor Eric Garcetti.

Anti-drone press conference outside Democrat run LA City Hall

“We believe the acquisition of drones signify a giant step forward in the militarization of local law enforcement that is normalizing continued surveillance and violations of human rights of our communities,” said coalition spokesman Hamid Kahn.

The letter addressed to Garcetti referred to potential “mission creep” in using drone surveillance technology in partnership with programs such as the Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) program, which the group claims “has resulted in the openings of thousands of secret files on people engaging in perfectly innocent behavior.”

It wasn’t immediately clear whether Garcetti’s office responded to the letter.

KCAL9’s Randy Paige spoke with protestors outside of City Hall who said that they would make sure that their message, “Drone free, LAPD,” would be made clear to the mayor’s representative, who was summoned to hear their concerns.

“We don’t want the LAPD to use drones in Los Angeles in any capacity whatsoever,” said Xander Snyder of Restore the Fourth.

LAPD Spokesman Bruce Borhian said that the department aircrafts are still being held in a secure location by a federal agency and have a ways to go before being approved or deployed.

In May, the LAPD announced the acquisition of two DraganFlyer X6 Drones from the Seattle Police Department using federal grants.

(RT News)

Marching to a 1984 Police State
While both parties are eagerly funding the insane drive to an authoritarian police state, in this case it is a Democrat run Los Angeles that is looking to spy on and record data about their citizens.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Photos Of California's Dwindling Water Supplies

Yes, we are screwed.
In this before-and-after composite image, above, the Enterprise Bridge passes over full water levels at a section of Lake Oroville on July 20, 2011 in Oroville, Calif. The Enterprise Bridge, below, passes over a section of Lake Oroville that is nearly dry on Aug. 19, 2014 in Oroville, Calif.
As the severe drought in Calif. continues for a third straight year, water levels in the State's lakes and reservoirs is reaching historic lows. Folsom Lake is currently at 40 percent of its total capacity of 977,000 acre feet.

In this before-and-after composite image, above, full water levels are visible in the Bidwell Marina at Lake Oroville on July 20, 2011 in Oroville, Calif. Low water levels are visible in the Bidwell Marina, below, at Lake Oroville on Aug, 19, 2014 in Oroville, Calif.
As the severe drought in California continues for a third straight year, water levels in the state's lakes and reservoirs are reaching historic lows. Lake Oroville is currently at just 32 percent of its total capacity of 3,537,577 acre feet.

In this before-and-after composite image, above, full water levels are visible in the Bidwell Marina at Lake Oroville on July 20, 2011 in Oroville, Calif. Low water levels are visible in the Bidwell Marina, below, at Lake Oroville on Aug. 19, 2014 in Oroville, Calif.

(ABC News)

Desalination Plant, United Arab Emirates
While other countries with water problems build desalination plants, the moronic Democrat run California legislature is playing with building bullet trains.
The Taweelah A1 plant has been refurbished and expanded to 385 million litres per day of clean water and 1,430MW. Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority (ADWEA) signed a contract with TotalFinaElf and Tractebel in July 2001 for the purchase, expansion and refurbishment of the plant. The four-year project to expand the facility (one of the biggest cogeneration plants in the world) was completed in 2006. A further expansion is now planned.
The contract was for $1.5bn, and the plant was commissioned on 1 May 2003 – on time and within budget. ADWEA signed a long-term contract to buy power and water from the plant, which meets about a quarter of Abu Dhabi's water and power needs.
See Power-Technology.com

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

California allocates five times more water than exists

"What, water is limited?"
  • Who would have thought it possible?  And yet another day passes where the nimrods in the Democrat run state legislature do not act to build desalination plants.

California officials have allocated five times more water rights than nature can deliver, a new study by University of California researchers shows.

The study confirms prior estimates of the disparity, but goes further by describing the degree of over-allocation in individual watersheds across California. It also reinforces the position that the problem may be much larger since it only looked at a subset of California water rights – those allocated after 1914 and considered “junior” rights.

“It seems clear that in a lot of these cases, we’ve promised a lot more water than what’s available,” said Ted Grantham, the study’s lead author, who conducted the research as part of post-doctoral studies at UC Davis. “There’s never going to be enough water to meet all of these demands,” reports the San Luis Obispo Tribune.  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  

Read more here: http://www.sanluisobispo.com/2014/08/19/3202615/california-allocates-vastly-more.html?sp=/99/177/348//#storylink=cpy

California’s system of water rights, overseen by the state Water Resources Control Board, is the primary means by which the state distributes its natural runoff to provide water for cities, farms and industry. In most cases, a property owner or government agency applies to the state for a water right or permit. If granted, it allows them to divert a certain amount of water directly from a river or stream.
Such rights, for example, account for all the water stored behind dams in the state, which is the primary source of drinking water for most Californians and irrigation water for crops.

According to the study, California’s total freshwater runoff in an average year is about 70 million acre-feet. But the state has handed out water rights totaling 370 million acre-feet. One acre-foot is enough to meet the needs of two average households for a year.

The rivers under the most strain, the research indicates, are virtually all that drain into the Central Valley, including the Sacramento, Feather, Yuba, American, Mokelumne, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Merced, Kings and San Joaquin rivers. Others near the top include the Salinas, Santa Clara, Santa Ana and Santa Ynez rivers.

The study was published in the current issue of the journal Environmental Research Letters. It was conducted by analyzing more than 12,000 water rights issued by the Water Resources Control Board. It examined those issued after 1914, the year California adopted its system of water-rights regulation, because only those rights had sufficient data available from the state, Grantham said.

The researchers then used streamflow data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey to establish baseline natural runoff volumes for about 4,500 sub-watersheds across the state. These data were then compared to the water rights, which in many cases allow diverters to withdraw far more water than the stream can produce in an average weather year.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Los Angeles is Falling Apart

$9 Billion To Begin to Repair L.A.
  • Buckling sidewalks, crumbling water pipes and street repaving could run Los Angeles upwards of $9 Billion in cash the city does not have.
  • Currently pipes are being replaced at a pace of every 315 years.

Bloomberg News reports that Democrat run Los Angeles is showing its age, and city officials don’t have plans for financing the facelift.

From buckling sidewalks to potholed thoroughfares to storm drains that can’t handle a little rain, the infrastructure that holds the second-largest U.S. city together is suffering from years of deferred maintenance.

Bringing pipes that deliver water to 3.9 million people up to snuff could cost $4 billion -- more than half the city’s annual operating budget. The bill for repaving streets will be almost that much, according to estimates from a city consultant, and patching or replacing cracked sidewalks will require $640 million.

City Council members recently gave up on a proposal to ask voters for a sales-tax increase to finance street and sidewalk repairs, and Mayor Eric Garcetti has ruled out raising water rates anytime soon to upgrade pipelines.

“We’re in trouble,” said Jack Humphreville, the budget advocate for L.A.’s advisory neighborhood councils. His estimate, based on figures provided by the city, is that getting public works into good shape will take $10 billion to $15 billion. “This is no different from debt.”

A 30-foot geyser that spewed some 20 million gallons of water from a ruptured trunk line under Sunset Boulevard on July 29 brought renewed attention to the decay. The council called on the Department of Water and Power to scrutinize pipelines and other parts of the system, but didn’t discuss ways of finding money to fix what might be broken.

“We can’t tax our way out of this,” said Councilman Mitchell Englander. Voters won’t approve adding to the local sales tax -- which at 9 percent is among the nation’s highest -- and would revolt if the price of water went up, he said. As it is, the rate is the seventh-highest in the U.S., according to a survey by the conservation nonprofit Circle of Blue.

The riveted-steel line that burst under Sunset is 90 years old. To replace every line by the time it hits 100 -- as many engineers recommend -- would require a 4 percent boost in water rates every year, according to City Councilman Paul Koretz.

“It’s so much work,” he said. “We have infrastructure in need of replacing at a quicker rate than we have been.”

Many cities and states are in the same rusty boat, having put off investing in bridges, wastewater systems, dams and other public works that need regular maintenance and upgrades. The American Society of Civil Engineers estimates the country would have to spend $3.6 trillion to get the nation’s infrastructure in decent working order by 2020.

About 240 miles of L.A.’s pipes are more than a century old, James McDaniel, senior assistant general manager of the Department of Water and Power, told the the City Council’s energy and environment committee on Aug. 6.

The utility replaces only about 18 miles of pipe per year rather than the 34 miles officials called for in 2012. McDaniel said managers want to be able to replace pipes at a rate of every 170 years -- which would be an improvement over the present change-out pace of every 315 years.

Read More . . . .

Saturday, August 16, 2014

L.A. Democrats - "Pay the voters to vote"

Winner of the Jackass Award
  • L.A. City Council President Herb Wesson wants to pay people to vote who are too lazy and stupid to get to the polls on their own.

The Leftist Democrat loons running Los Angeles claim they are "alarmed" that fewer than one-fourth of voters are showing up for municipal elections, the Los Angeles Ethics Commission voted Thursday to recommend that the City Council look at using cash prizes to lure a greater number of people to the polls.

On a 3-0 vote, the panel said it wanted City Council President Herb Wesson's Rules, Elections and Intergovernmental Relations Committee to seriously consider the use of financial incentives and a random drawing during its elections, possibly as soon as next year.

Depending on the source of city funds, the idea could require a ballot measure. Commissioners said they were unsure how big the prizes should be or how many should be offered, saying a pilot program should first be used to test the concept reports the Los Angeles Times.

"Maybe it's $25,000 maybe it's $50,000," said Commission President Nathan Hochman. "That's where the pilot program comes in -- to figure out what ... number and amount of prizes would actually get people to the voting box."
Only 23% percent of registered voters cast ballots in last year's mayoral election, prompting suggested solutions from an array of civic leaders. On Tuesday, turnout in a special school board election fell below 10%, according to preliminary numbers.

The idea of an election day lottery came up Thursday during an appearance by Wesson before the commission. During that discussion, Hochman suggested that surplus matching funds -- money provided to candidates who agree to certain spending restrictions -- could cover the cost of election day prizes.

That dialogue with Wesson, Hochman said, spurred the commission to act a few hours later.

"When I heard that he really wants to consider this, and was enthused and excited about this out-of-the-box idea, I thought, 'Let’s get an action item before his committee,'" Hochman said.

"Remember to vote early and often."

Friday, August 15, 2014

Brown Signs $7.5 Billion Water Bill - But What If It Does Not Rain?

But what if it does not rain?
  • Nevada is in their fourteenth year of drought.  Call me crazy, but adding couple feet to the top of a few California dams may not cut it if it does not rain.  But as far as I can tell I am the only voice in the state calling for the massive building of desalination plants.

The People's Republic of California, Governor Jerry Brown, agreed to boost water spending plans to $7.5 billion, a compromise 25 percent higher than he had said the state could afford, as drought tightened its grip on cities and farms.

Brown signed the bill he brokered with state lawmakers to place a measure on the November ballot asking voter permission to issue $7.1 billion in new bonds, with $445 million to come from previous debt sales.

“Water is the lifeblood of any civilization and for California it’s the precondition of healthy rivers, valleys, farms and a strong economy,” Brown said in a statement reports Bloomberg News.

Three years of below-normal precipitation have brought extreme drought to 80 percent of California, and wildfires have consumed tens of thousands of acres, according to federal data. Most major reservoirs are at less than half of capacity, state records show. Farmers have idled fields, and urban residents face restrictions on lawn watering and car washing. Many restaurants no longer serve water to patrons unless they request it.

“The need is so great in California,” Senate President Darrell Steinberg, a Sacramento Democrat, said before his chamber gave unanimous approval to the water plan late yesterday. “We have to pass this bond in November, otherwise the work here is for naught.”

Drought Monitor

Just say yes to new water
California political hacks sit sucking their thumbs and mumble about "conservation".  Meanwhile  other nations act to create brand new water for business and personal use.
See our article
Solar Powered Desalination Plant

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sex Slavery: $32 billion industry skyrockets in San Diego

Slavery In California
  • Leftist Democrats refuse to enforce immigration laws in a naked attempt at pandering to illegal immigrants and their supporters.  A byproduct of Democrat lawlessness is a booming sex slavery trade. 
  • It appears the right of a woman not to be sold into slavery is not nearly as important as kissing up to illegal aliens.

Now a $32 billion dollar industry and one of the fastest growing crimes, human trafficking continues to expand in San Diego County.    
According to the District Attorney’s office, human trafficking cases have increased a whopping 600% in just the last five years. 
"It's the most dehumanizing thing we've ever dealt with," said Donald Stump, Executive Director at North County Lifeline. “Some of the women are tattooed here (pointing to the inside of his lower bottom lip) and with their pimp's names and have bar codes here,” said Stump as he pointed to his arm with sadness reports San Diego 6.
Stump helps oversee North County Lifeline, an organization utilizing outreach, prevention, and rehab to help put an end to the vicious cycle. It's a cycle Autumn Burris knows all too well.

"I had experienced a lot of violence and near death experiences that I had to get away from," Burris said.
Burris said she was a victim of sexual exploitation for years and now works closely with local lawmakers, like Senator Marty Block of District 39. Both are now working to pass tougher laws; Block testified Monday in Sacramento.
"We're finding that gangs choose sex trafficking to be their enterprise of choice when it comes to making money," said Sen. Block.
Stump agrees the gang presence in San Diego, in addition to its close proximity to the border, are both underlying factors in the growth of human trafficking.
Gangs are starting to move into domestic sex trafficking," said Stump.
Crystal Anthony, Case Manager at North County Lifeline, works one on one with victims.
"So many times I’m meeting the girls on a stinger bus stop operation," Anthony explained.
Anthony said while all the victims she meets come from different backgrounds, they all share some alarming traits.
"When somebody comes to them and says ‘I can offer you the world,’ it seems like a lot for someone who never heard I love you from a parent," said Anthony.

See William Wilberforce

Monday, August 11, 2014

California legislators have raised $56 million from corrupt special interest groups

Welcome to Rule by Oligarchy
  • Because of the insanely large legislative districts in the People's Republic, only millionaires or candidates willing to be purchased by special interest groups have any chance to win an election.

Members of the California Legislature pulled in more than $56 million in campaign cash from January 2013 through June, state data shows.

The Legislature’s majority Democrats have raised about $43 million so far during the current two-year session. Republican lawmakers, meanwhile, have collected about $13 million, according to state data updated late last week to reflect campaign-finance reports covering the first six months of the year.

The average contribution was about $1,200. The biggest chunk of money, almost $17 million, came from Sacramento-based donors – including $11 million from business groups, labor unions and other interests in the Capitol-centric 95814 ZIP code reports the Sacramento Bee.

Lawmakers’ most successful fundraising month was June 2013, when their campaign committees collectively raised more than $5.6 million. The money-raising runner-up was October 2013, when lawmakers collected almost $5 million, the data shows.

Among Democratic lawmakers, campaign committees of former Assembly Speaker John A. PΓ©rez, D-Los Angeles, collected the most during the past 18 months, about $3.4 million in itemized contributions.  Among Republicans, campaign committees of state Sen. Andy Vidak, R-Hanford, who won an expensive special election a year ago and faces another tough race this year, received $1.4 million through June, according to the data.

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2014/08/05/6607617/california-legislators-have-raised.html#storylink=cpy

The Way Elections Should Be
The West Virginia House of Delegates legislative districts have a population of only 18,000 people.  An average citizen in West Virginia can easily afford to run for and win public office.  In addition, legislators are paid only $20,000 per year.  The legislature meets for 60 days, adjourns and its members need to go home and work for a living like a normal citizen.
Meanwhile in the People's Republic of California, the State Assembly seats are pushing 500,000 each in population and legislators live full time as wealthy Lords in Sacramento.  In California only those candidates anointed and funded by the Elites will win office in our oligarchy. 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Dems want FREE diapers for welfare recipients

Free Shit For Everyone
  • Leftist Loon Democrats just can't help themselves.  Now they want the People's Republic of California to be the first state to give free diapers to people on welfare.

Along with alcohol, cigarettes and pet food, low-income parents are banned from using food stamps to buy diapers, leaving many families struggling to pay the estimated $100 a month it costs for the basic necessity.

Democrat California Assemblywoman and single mother Lorena Gonzalez wants to change that thanks to some inspiration from rapper Eminem.

“Cause man, these food stamps don’t buy diapers,” he raps in a song.

There’s truth in that statement, inspiring the Democrat from San Diego to create a bill that would give qualifying families in the CalWork’s welfare program $80 a month to spend on diapers for children under age 2.

No U.S. welfare program currently covers the cost of diapers.

“We know the number one barrier to moms going back to the workforce is childcare,” Gonzalez said. “If you don’t have an adequate supply of diapers and can’t take your child to child care there’s no way you can get a job.”

Principal consultant Jolie Onodera told the Sacramento Bee the bill would impact more than 120,000 children in the state if it were to pass.

But Republicans are knocking the bill down, stressing the $100 million annual cost to taxpayers for a short-term solution.

“Instead of expanding our welfare system and keeping millions dependent upon government, we should implement business-friendly policies enabling those out of work to obtain a job and provide for their families,” Republican Assemblywoman Shannon Grove from Bakersfield said in an email statement to the Bee.

“They shouldn’t keep having babies if they can’t afford diapers,” said Tara Riley, who supports the bill — just not the decision to have more children if you can’t afford it.

(CBS News)

Sucking on the Public Teat beats working for a living.