
THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CALIFORNIA - This site is dedicated to exposing the continuing Marxist Revolution in California and the all around massive stupidity of Socialists, Luddites, Communists, Fellow Travelers and of Liberalism in all of its ugly forms.

"It was a splendid population - for all the slow, sleepy, sluggish-brained sloths stayed at home - you never find that sort of people among pioneers - you cannot build pioneers out of that sort of material. It was that population that gave to California a name for getting up astounding enterprises and rushing them through with a magnificent dash and daring and a recklessness of cost or consequences, which she bears unto this day - and when she projects a new surprise the grave world smiles as usual and says, "Well, that is California all over."

- - - - Mark Twain (Roughing It)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Democrats drive guns out of California in 2nd Amendment attack

Democrats are Frightened of Freedom
  • Socialist Democrats are openly pissing on the 2nd Amendment.  California Democrats are attacking the right of the people to keep and bear arms by passing endless Communistic big government regulations to increase the cost of guns and drive gun makers out of business.

On January 22nd renowned gun maker Smith & Wesson joined Sturm, Ruger, & Co.,  announcing it would cease California sales of its semi-automatic pistols due to microstamping requirements that went into effect last year. Ruger made the same announcement earlier this month.

Microstamping is a requirement that each firearm be fitted with a special firing pin that leaves a fingerprint on a bullet casing which differs from the fingerprint of every other firearm. In other words--every one of the wildly popular Smith & Wesson M&P .45 semi-automatic handguns would have to be manufactured in such a way so that no two of them left the same mark on a shell casing reports Breitbart News.

The cost of doing this would be incredibly high to manufacturers, and would be a cost they would have to pass on to consumers in higher prices.

Moreover, the result of doing this would be yet another gun registry--every gun sold that met microstamping requirements would have be to registered so that the government knew who owned the gun that left that fingerprint.

On top of these things, micropstamping doesn't even work--and least not all the time. There are proven problems with the durability of microstamps on firing pins.

So The Washington Times reports that Smith & Wesson is just going to stop selling guns in CA for which microstamping is required.

Smith & Wesson president and CEO James Debney said his company "will continue to work with the NRA and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) to oppose this poorly conceived law which mandates the unproven and unreliable concept of microstamping and makes it impossible for Californians to have access to the best products with the latest innovations."

Democrats are frightened to death of real women
being able to defend themselves.

1 comment:

Bird of Paradise said...

The demacrats in California lead by Moonbeam Brown they certianly need to be put out to pasture and with a bull running lose that dont care for liberal asses