The Socialists of California worship before the throne of Labor Unions and illegal aliens. |
A crime against Civilization: "These actions are completely irreversible, and will be deeply regretted by future generations"
In a major victory for Socialists in the People's Republic of California, a key state Senate committee cleared the most significant obstacle to a bill that would give college students who are illegal immigrants access to public aid for the first time.
The Senate Appropriations Committee approved the final part of a two-bill package known as the California Dream Act, which would allow students who qualify for reduced in-state tuition to apply for an estimated $40 million in Cal Grants, community college fee waivers, and other public scholarship and grant programs.
So while the Share-the-Wealth Socialists fall all over themselves to fund illegal aliens the libraries of universities are being closed for lack of funds.
Driven by dramatic budget cuts that will shutter four campus libraries, staffers at UC San Diego are
removing roughly 150,000 books and journals from their collections by summer’s end – selling volumes to the highest bidder or donating them.
If UCSD students or researchers want to check out the selected writings of Benjamin Rush, they might have to request it through an interlibrary loan and wait for a couple of days until it is delivered from another UC campus or from one of two UC library storage facilities, says California Watch.
The UCSD libraries face at least a $3 million budget cut in the coming academic year – about a 12 percent decrease. That comes on top of previous cuts of $5 million since 2008-09, UCSD libraries spokeswoman Dolores Davies said.
To deal with the cuts, the university has closed its medical center library, the International Relations & Pacific Studies library, and the Center for Library & Instructional Computing Services. The Scripps Institution of Oceanography is slated to be closed next year.
Officials have said the savings will come from eliminating vacant positions and ceasing to operate the buildings. The library closures
sparked controversy among faculty and students, but it's less widely known that they have also caused a significant weeding of the university’s collections.
Overall, the university will cull about 4 percent of its 3.5 million volume print collection by the end of summer. The university could get rid of more volumes later this year, depending on officials’ assessment of other collections.
Andrew Hsiu, a UCSD student hired to help pack and move the withdrawn books this summer, said the university has been trying to keep a low profile on the project. He said that when a library facilities employee saw him taking photos of withdrawn books and blacked-out barcodes, the employee ordered Hsiu to delete the photos, telling Hsiu that releasing the images to the public could stir controversy.
"Even though all the students here at UCSD know that certain libraries are closing, the vast majority of them are completely unaware that this entails
discarding hundreds of thousands of books," Hsiu said in an e-mail.
Hsiu, a junior majoring in linguistics, said he's concerned about the university's shrinking collections.
A student worker was told to stop taking pictures
of library books being boxed up and sold because his
actions were "disruptive". |
"These actions are completely irreversible, and will be deeply regretted by future generations," Hsiu said. "Out-of-print books that used to be at UCSD are going to be gone forever. Future generations of scholars and students need the books right here in San Diego."
Davies said a student employee had been asked to stop taking photos because "his actions were disruptive to the work flow and we do have clear guidelines about filming or photographing in library buildings."
draft report released in May by a UC library task force said that as a result of
UC's obligation to fully fund the retirement system and to absorb a cut of $500 million to $1 billion in state funding, the libraries may see budget cuts as much as $52 million, or 21 percent of their budget base, over the next six years.
The budget cuts will "inevitably have an undesirable effect on library services and support for the University’s academic programs," task force chair and Executive Vice Chancellor Gene Lucas wrote in the May report.
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